For the longest time, many people have been looking for gluten free options from DiGiorno. The company has some classic frozen pizzas that are surprisingly good. On their website FAQs, the brand states, ‘DIGIORNO doesn’t currently offer any gluten free pizza options. However, we will be introducing a new gluten free pizza in the future so check back soon!’.
Well, the time has come.
According to Delish, DiGiorno’s gluten free crust pizza is coming to stores in April 2021.
Here’s more from Delish, ‘Available at select Target stores beginning this month, the new Gluten Free Crust pizza will come in two flavors — pepperoni and four cheese. Still delivering the same classic flavor that DiGiorno pizza gives, the new option is the only certified gluten free pizza in the frozen aisle that comes with a thick, hand-tossed crust.’
The article also shares that these frozen pizzas will only cost $9.99. Not a bad price at all for gluten free frozen foods! As I’m sure many readers know, gluten free products are expensive.
Read the full article on Delish to learn more about the new gluten free crust pizza from DIGIORNO.