Boyd & Blair is an American brand of vodka that is made and distilled in Pennsylvania by Pennsylvania Pure Distilleries, LLC and created under the expertise of Master Distiller, Barry Young.
Let’s find out if this master distiller has created a vodka that is ideal for everyone…
Is Boyd and Blair Vodka Gluten-Free?
The Answer is: YES*
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Boyd and Blair are leading handcrafted gluten-free vodka that is made from potatoes and not gluten related grain (wheat, rye, barley, oats) nor corn that is associated with most vodkas. The result is a smooth, creamy, semi-sweet flavor with no harsh “bite.”
Boyd and Blair Products
Boyd and Blair currently produce a number of products including rum and liqueur. Here is a list of their vodka products which we believe to be gluten-free:
- Boyd & Blair Potato Vodka
- Boyd & Blair Professional Proof 151
- Boyd & Blair Potato Vodka Limited Edition 10th Anniversary Bottle
Boyd & Blair Potato Vodka is the flagship product. It has been ranked 3 times as the “Best Vodka of 120 Top Spirits in the World.” and is ideal for those who are gluten sensitive or have been diagnosed with celiacs disease by a health practitioner.
You can check out the complete product range here: and for more gluten-free alcoholic drinks you can check out our list here.