Hartley’s Jam is a top-selling brand of jam in the UK. It is manufactured in Cambridgeshire, England and operates as a brand of Hain Daniels Group.
Aside from this popular brand of jam, they are also known for their selection of jelly products.
Hartley’s Jam produces and distributes a large assortment of fruity jam:
No-Bits Jam for those who like a smoother jam with none of the bits
Less Sugar, More Fruit Jam for those who are looking for a healthier alternative
Smooth Jam in a convenient squeezy bottle.
Let’s find out if this popular jam is gluten-free.
Is Hartley’s Jam Gluten Free?
The Answer is: YES
Recommended Gluten Free Cook Books:
Hartleys Jam is gluten-free condiment that is safe to consume. We emailed them personally for an answer and they were kind enough to provide a definitive answer to our concern:
We can confirm that no Hartley’s product contains any sources of gluten.
Enjoy Harley’s Jam on your favourite gluten-free french toast or pancakes. It is available in a number of flavours for you to choose from: Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackcurrant, Orange, Black Cherry, Apricot and Pineapple.
To find out more information on Hartley, head over to the Hartley’s Jam web page here: www.hartleysfruit.co.uk/our-range/hartleys-jam/