Jose Cuervo is a popular premium tequila brand produced in central Mexico. They offer many tequila options and popular mixes for margaritas including a Classic, Light, and Golden Margarita Mix.
Stores all over the world carry Jose Cuervo tequilas and margarita mixes, and people want to know if they can drink this, which is why we decided to answer the question:
Is Jose Cuervo Golden Margarita Mix Gluten Free?
The answer is: YES
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Jose Cuervo confirms their tequilas and mixes to be gluten free. From Jose: “Being straight distilled spirits, all Jose Cuervo Tequilas are gluten free. In addition, Jose Cuervo Authentic Cuervo Margaritas, Margarita Minis, and Golden Margaritas are also gluten-free.” Source:
Based on this information and many positve reviews on I decided to give Jose Cuervo tequila and Jose Cuervo Golden Margarita Mix a shot and I did not get sick or have any irritation. I really enjoyed it and can’t wait to try the classic mix next.
Photo: Jose Cuervo
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