We built GlutenBee to provide trustworthy educational content on the topics of Coeliac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity.
We’re proud to be unbiased, independent and take a holistic approach to all our content.
Our mission is to help sufferers & carers better understand the gluten-free lifestyle. Our articles, videos & products provide educational content easy enough for anyone to understand.
With gluten-based conditions still widely misunderstood and new diagnoses soaring, it is more important than ever for us to build a quality educational resource that will stand the test of time.
We are ready to take up that challenge and we’d love for you to join us.
Each of our writers live a gluten-free lifestyle, so you can rest assured our content is created by people who truly understand your pain.
Each week we post several well-researched articles to help you live your life to the fullest. You may not find every single article life changing or useful, but we hope that at least one person will.
Please help support our mission by subscribing to our email newsletter, which you can find below. Our newsletter is free and we will of course never spam you. (we hate spam too!)
As a newsletter subscriber you’ll take your first step towards living a healthier gluten-free life. You’ll also never missing a new post or announcement from the GlutenBee team; lucky you!