Fever-Tree is a growing mixers company that makes premium tonic waters, ginger ales, sparkling waters, and other mixers for use with cocktails. Here’s more of the story on how the company started:
‘Our co-founders Charles and Tim, working in different parts of the drinks business, had both spotted that premium spirits were growing quickly, fuelled by consumers’ increasing awareness of the provenance of what they ate and drank.
However, this growing interest in premium food and drink had seemed to neglect mixers, a crucial element of the drinks industry that remained flat. It struck them both as extraordinary that people were paying a good deal of money for a high-quality spirit, yet had no choice but drown it with a poor-quality mixer.’
Let’s see if Fever-Tree Drinks contain any wheat/gluten ingredients. We’ll find out below . . .
Related question: Are Hops Gluten Free?
Read moreAre Fever-Tree Mixers Gluten Free?