Health Tips for Coeliacs

6 Essential Health Tips for Coeliacs

Maintaining a healthy diet as a coeliac is not only important, it’s essential. Years of consuming gluten as a coeliac causes irreparable damage to the gut. This makes nutrient absorption far more difficult than in non-coeliacs and can lead to further health problems later down the line if not meticulously cared for by the patient.

In this post we’ve put together a handful of essential health tips that will hopefully help you understand the impact coeliac disease can have on the gut, and the ways you can counteract its effects.

Regardless of whether you’re diagnosed with coeliac disease or non-coeliac gluten sensitivity, these essential health tips are cross-compatible and will have a positive effect on your overall health.

So let’s get on with the show…

Read more6 Essential Health Tips for Coeliacs