Heineken Lager Beer, or simply Heineken is a pale lager beer with 5% alcohol by volume produced by the Dutch brewing company Heineken International.
Heineken is well known for its signature green bottle and red star. As a light tasting beer, it can be easy to think this beer is safe for coeliacs. But is it?
Is Heineken Gluten Free?
Answer: NO
Most beers contain gluten, which comes from the grains, barley or wheat used to brew it. Hops do not contain gluten.
Heineken Beer Nutritional Information can be found on their website.
Ingredients in Heineken: water, malted barley, hops, yeast.
See also: Gluten Free Alcohol List
Heineken is not gluten-free. Nor is it beer!
I checked out the site about Bailey’s is gluten free. Does that mean when I found, intermixed with the regular Bailey’s, a bottle that had Gluten Free on the label, is the same? It doesn’t taste the same.