Soy paper is commonly used in various sushi products and other types of spring roll wrappers or dessert wraps. Called Mamenori (まめのり), or soybean paper, these thin wrappers are used as a substitute for nori (seaweed paper).
Soy paper is not as often used as seaweed paper, but it is still pretty common, so many people are wondering . . .
Is Soy Paper Gluten Free?
Soy Paper can vary and contains many different ingredients. Typically these involve soybean protein, soy flour, and rice syrup. Many of the Soy Paper products we reviewed did not contain wheat/gluten, but it’s still possible so always check the label or ask the chef of the restaurant serving it. Usually though, Soy Paper is free from wheat/gluten ingredients.
Here are a few popular gluten free Soy Paper products we found:
Photo: Amazon
Soy Paper is typically made from soybean protein, soy flour, sesame seeds, vegetable oil, rice syrup, and other flavorings.
Nutritional Information
Soy Paper contains no cholesterol, trans fat, or saturated fats. Each serving is around 15 calories and has some 1-2 grams of protein.
Find out more about Soy Paper: